Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Good Luck Stoat

I bit the bullet and entered my first photographic competition! (albeit partly against my will). Stoaty's gone in to a wildlife competition. As nice as the photo is, I don't think it is technically good enough because it's not sharp or clear. Believe me, these things really matter when you have a huge competition with very serious judges and are up against amazing photographers. So although I love it, it's just not up to scratch because it was taken so spontaniously.

I got my knickers in a twist the night before I sent it off. I couldn't decide how to crop it to make it better. Floyd said he didn't know, my friend didn't know either....so I just left it and it went off in all it's glory, completely unedited. The rules said you could alter it and make it sharper etc but over-editing is not allowed. So I just left it all well alone and didn't alter anything. They judge on technical ability (gulp), composition (gulp), understanding of the brief (whoops), originality and commercial appeal. The brief is animals in action, so I am screwed really!!! Here's the unedited, unclipped, unaltered stoat that I sent off.

It's a big thing for me...the only 3 people who ever encouraged my persuit of photography have passed away sadly. I think they'd be thrilled I'm trying!! I still need to try and do a portfolio for this other person who's shown an interest in my pics. I don't know where to start though or how to do it.

I think it's so easy to say 'look at my great photo' when it's of a beautiful landscape that you can't take a BAD photo of! So if I take a photo of a lovely castle by a lake and everyone says 'that's so cool', I feel a fraud, because it's not the photo that's cool, it's the scenery. I like clever photography, which I am no good at. But we live and learn and that's my goal, to be very good at it!!!

Soph x

Friday, 15 August 2008

Sexy Kinky XXX Girl Loves Me!!!

Don't laugh!!!! ...she does!! According to Skype, Sexy Kinky XXX Girl wants to be my friend!! There are some scary people out there on the internet!!! Away w'ye!!!

Skype's great. Sod videoconferencing with Tamzin in LA!! You can take comedy pictures of yourself with the webcam and the 20 second delay in-between clicking 'take picture' and the bloody thing actually working means you're caught in all manner of poses. Sigh. Useless thing. Here I am chewing my lip and looking very unimpressed tonight. Bluddy computers....grumble!


Monday, 4 August 2008

Singing Sweet Home Alabama All Summer Long

Well....it finally happened. My husband has been unfaithful and is in love with another. I knew this day would come but nothing could prepare me for it. The sad truth is that I can't compete. The third party in our marriage? Well...words escape me so I will just show you a photo of her instead. The dirty little hussy...

Yes, my husband's heart now belongs to a Harley Davidson Sportster!!! He is completely obsessed and spends all of his time lovingly polishing her, twiddling with her buttons, carefully putting her to bed and murmering sweet nothings about oils and taking her out to nice places. Sigh. And when he isn't outside with her, he is on the computer searching eBay for all sorts of gifts he can buy her. I think the most Floyd ever bought me when we were first dating was a spikey plant from Covent Garden market!!!!! He has even bought her a special oxygen tent so she won't get any condensation on her little handle bars at night time!!! Seriously! Ah well....at least he is happy!!! :-)

Summer finally arrived in London - and then promptly left! But I must say it's nice to have some cool fresh air again so I can sleep at night! It's been way too hot these past 2 weeks and travelling on the tube has been unbearable!

I was in Sardinia with my friend a couple of weeks ago. Lucky me, I know. My friend Kristine and I always have a girlie holiday each year. We've been to the Greek Islands, all over France and Italy and now this year, we had 6 nights in Sardinia. It was great fun. The first hotel was a little remote for us - we stayed in Costa Verde on the northern tip of the island. A great hotel called La Coluccia. Loved the room and the huge terrace and the hotel was very smart and comtemporary - but the shower was awful. Fairly smelly and mouldy and had no light. There was no bath so you either had to wash over the basin or dive in to the pitch black, stinking shower and lather up and rinse off as quickly as possible - all the time screaming "arrrggghh!!! nooooo! it smells sooo baaaad! help meeee!!!". Hee hee!!!! Pretty awful! While we stayed there, we organised some sailing for half a day around the nearby islands. That was spectacular. We had a 45ft yaght with 2 crew and just drifted around for a few hours. Really wonderful and the colours of the water!!!! Stunning!!!!

For the last night, we stayed in Porto Cuervo, Costa Smerelda. Very smart and VERY posh! Great for people watching and for gaping at the £183 million super-yaghts!!!! My god, they were just massive and very, very luxurious!!! All the shops were designer boutiques and this was very definitely a millionaire's playground! Still, we had a nice afternoon wandering around and a nice supper at a charming restaurant overlooking the marina.

Floyd's band The Almighty are likely to be touring again later this year and again next year, as well as writing a new track. All very exciting.

I am thinking of entering my photo of the stoat in to a photography competition but am dithering as it's very blurry really - not up to professional standards. I need to decide pretty quickly as the closing date for new entries is very soon. Here he is again.

Tolly is getting more and more beautiful! Mum trains him so well and he's got such a sweet nature! We are all going to Wales this weekend for a very long weekend just chilling, cooking, walking and playing games etc. Tolly will come too which will be great fun.