Tuesday 8 January 2008

Green Tuesday

Wow, everyone's getting this winter vomitting bug 'Norovirus'. People are literally dropping like flies. Poor Floyd had it especially bad before, during and after Christmas. I have somehow managed to not get it so far (have probably just jinxed myself! whoops!).

Love Skype by the way! Have been having videocalls with my sister in LA and it's been great! We put mum infront of one the other day! Love the way older people shout in to mobiles or computers!! "CAN. YOU. HEAR. ME. REPEAT. CAN. YOU. HEAR. ME?" hee hee!!

I finally managed to get my dad on to his Skype last night - so we had a webchat and I was giving him a guided tour and showing him how his webcame worked! It was hilarious!! We couldn't hear each other at first so were using the telephones to talk - but were waving at each other on camera!!!! But then the phone got cut off and I couldn't get him back - so had to resort to writing notes like "PUT THE PHONE DOWN" and holding that up infront of my camera!!!! He was writing back "THE TELEPHONE?" etc....arrgggh!!!! hilarious! but then he realise his speakers were turned off and all was fine!!! Still....great fun!!!!

Very busy today preparing for the World Economic Forum in a couple of weeks. So here is a random picture of a tree!!!

Lovely mossy tree in Galway!


Clare said...

Sophie - dont' talk about Skype and Video Calls and Webcams. You know how envious I am.

When you are next speaking to TBD give her my fondest love and tell her to texto me with her new mobile no!

Gorgeous photo.


Annie - Steven's mom said...

What a totally awesome tree photo! And you have a really wonderful way with words - painting a glorious mind picture. :-)